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研究者情報 Research map ORCID



(a) 学術雑誌(査読有り)

1.Kato, K., Okamura,Y., Kanahama, K. and Kanayama, Y.* (2003) Nitrate-independent expression of plant nitrate reductase in Lotus japonicus root nodules. J. Exp. Bot. 54: 1685-1690.

2.Kato, K., Ohta, K., Komata, Y., Araki, T., Kanahama, K. and Kanayama, Y.* (2005) Morphological and molecular analyses of the tomato floral mutant leafy inflorescence, a new allele of falsiflora. Plant Sci. 169: 131-138.

3.Kato, K., Kanayama, Y., Ohkawa, W. and Kanahama, K.* (2007) Nitrogen fixation in seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) root nodules and effect of nitrate on nitrogenase activity. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 76 :185-190.

4.加藤一幾*,植田稔宏,松本英一(2008)黒ボク土地域の高温期コマツナ施設栽培における可食部硝酸イオン濃度の低減化.園学研7: 345-350.

5.植田稔宏*,池羽智子,安 東赫,加藤一幾,河野 隆,松本英一(2009)葉菜類の露地栽培における点滴灌水施肥(養液土耕)栽培が収量・品質と施肥効率に及ぼす影響.土肥誌80: 477-486.

6.Kato, K.*, Kanahama, K. and Kanayama, Y. (2010) Involvement of nitric oxide in the inhibition of nitrogenase activity by nitrate in Lotus root nodules. J. Plant Physiol. 167: 238-241.

7.Kim, Y-W., Kato, K., Hirai, T., Hiwasa-Tanase, K. and Ezura, H.* (2010) Spatial and developmental profiling of miraculin accumulation in transgenic tomato fruits expressing the miraculin gene constitutively. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 282-286.

8.Yano, M., Hirai, T., Kato, K., Hiwasa-Tanase, K., Fukuda, N. and Ezura, H.* (2010) Tomato is a suitable material for producing recombinant miraculin protein in genetically stable manner. Plant Sci. 178: 469-473.

9.Kim, Y-W., Hirai, T., Kato, K., Hiwasa-Tanase, K. and Ezura, H.* (2010) Gene dosage and genetic background affect miraculin accumulation in transgenic tomato fruits. Plant Biotech. 27: 333-338. 

10.Kato, K., Yoshida, R., Kikuzaki, A., Hirai, T., Kuroda, H., Hiwasa-Tanase, K., Takane, K., Ezura, H.* and Mizoguchi, T.* (2010) Molecular breeding of tomato lines for mass production of miraculin in a plant factory. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 9505–9510.

11.Fujiwara, S., Nakagawa, M., Oda, A., Kato, K., and Mizoguchi, T.* (2010) Photoperiod pathway regulates expression of MAF5 and FLC that encode MADS-box transcription factors of the FLC family in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotech. 27: 447-454.

12.Hiwasa-Tanase, K., Nyarubona, M., Hirai, T., Kato, K., Ichikawa, T. and Ezura, H.* (2011) High-level accumulation of recombinant miraculin protein in transgenic tomatoes expressing a synthetic miraculin gene with optimized codon usage terminated by the native miraculin terminator. Plant Cell Rep. 30: 113-124.

13.Kato, K., Maruyama, S., Hirai, T., Hiwasa-Tanase, K., Mizoguchi, T., Goto, E. and Ezura, H.* (2011) A trial of production of the plant-derived high-value protein in a plant factory: Photosynthetic photon fluxes affect the accumulation of recombinant miraculin in transgenic tomato fruits. Plant Signal.Behav. 6: 1172-1179.

14.Hirai, T., Kim, Y-W., Kato, K., Hiwasa-Tanase, K. and Ezura, H.* (2011) Uniform accumulation of recombinant miraculin protein in transgenic tomato fruit using a fruit ripening-specific E8 promoter. Transgenic Res. 20: 1285-1292.

15.Hirai, T., Kurokawa, N., Duhita, N., Hiwasa-Tanase, K., Kato, K., Kato, K. and Ezura, H.* (2011) The HSP terminator of Arabidopsis thaliana induces a high level of miraculin accumulation in transgenic tomatoes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 9942–9949.

16.Tatsuzawa, F.*, Ito, K., Muraoka, H., Namauo, T., Kato, K., Takahata, Y. and Ogawa, S. (2012) Triacylated peonidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucosides from the purple flowers of Moricandia ramburii Webb. Phytochemistry 76: 73-77.

17.Tatsuzawa, F.*, Aiba, Y., Morino, T., Saito, N., Shinoda, K., Kato, K., Toki, K. and Honda, T. (2012) Copigmentation with acylated anthocyanin and kaempferol glycosides in violet and purple flower cultivars of Aubrieta×cultorum (Brassicaceae). J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 81: 275-284.

18.Saito, N., Nakamura, M., Shinoda, K., Murata, N., Kanazawa, T., Kato, K., Toki, K., Kasai, H., Honda, T. and Tatsuzawa, F.* (2012) Covalent anthocyanin-flavonol complexes from the violet-blue flowers of Allium 'Blue Perfume'. Phytochemistry 80: 99-108.

19.立澤文見,加藤一幾*,永松義博,庄野浩資,土岐健次郎,斎藤規夫(2013)Leschenaultia biloba,L. formosaおよびそれらの種間雑種の花色とアントシアニン組成について.園学研12: 23-28.

20.*加藤一幾,植田稔宏,松本英一(2013)コマツナのハウス周年栽培における窒素施肥量と可食部硝酸イオン濃度の低減を目的とした窒素診断施肥.園学研12: 43-49.

21.Ito, S., Kato, K. and Tatsuzawa, F.* (2013) Acylated cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucosides in the red-purple flowers of Arabis blepharophylla Hook. & Arn. (Brassicaceae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 48: 65-69.

22.Tatsuzawa, F.*, Ito, S., Sato, M., Muraoka, H., Kato, K., Takahata, Y. and Ogawa, S. (2013) A tetra-acylated cyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucoside from the purple-violet flowers of Moricandia arvensis (L.) DC. (Brassicaceae). Phytochem. Lett. 6: 170-173.

23.加藤一幾,佐藤和成,金澤俊成,庄野浩資,小林伸雄,立澤文見*(2013)ダイコン類(Raphanus sativus L.)における根色とアントシアニン.園学研12: 229-234.

24.加藤一幾*,松嶋卯月,武藤由子,立澤文見,岡田益己(2013)東日本大震災の被災農地におけるシイタケ廃菌床の施用による土壌およびスイートコーンの生育,収量への効果.園学研12: 381-387.

25.Tatsuzawa, F.*, Takahashi, N., Kato, K., Shinoda, K., Saito, N. and Honda, T. (2014). Acylated cyanidin glycosides from the pale-violet flowers of Ionopsidium acaule (Desf.) Rchb. (Brassicaceae). Phytochem. Lett. 7: 69-76.

26.Tatsuzawa, F.*, Saito, N., Yukawa, T., Honda, T., Shinoda, K., Kato, K. and Miyoshi, K. (2014) Acylated cyanidin 3,7-diglucosides in the red-purple flowers of Sophronitis wittigiana (Orchidaceae). J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 83: 64-71.

27.立澤文見,奥山成美,加藤一幾*,庄野浩資,武田純一,小藤田久義(2014)ストック(Matthiola incana)の花弁におけるシナピルグルコシドとケンフェロール配糖体.園学研13: 85-89.

28.Tatsuzawa, F.*, Toki, K., Ohtani, Y., *Kato, K., Saito, N., Honda, T. and Mii, M. (2014) Floral pigments from the blue flowers of Nemophila menziesii ‘Insignis Blue’ and the purple flower of its variants. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 83: 259-266.

29.Tatsuzawa, F.*, Hatakeyama, N., Takehara, A., Nakajo, S., Muraoka, H. Ogawa, S., Takahata, Y. and Kato, K. (2015) Acylated anthocyanins in flowers of Moricandia DC. (Brassicaceae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 58: 38-42.

30.Tatsuzawa, F.*, Matsuda, S., Kato, K. and Hosokawa, M. (2015) Acetylated anthocyanidin 3-O-di-glycosides in red-purple flowers and grayed-purple leaves of Saintpaulia ‘Tomoko’. Hortic. J. 84: 77–82.

31.Tatsuzawa, F., Kato, K.*, Sato, M., Ito, S., Muraoka, H., Takahata, Y. and Ogawa. S. (2015) Acylated cyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucoside in purple-violet flowers of Moricandia arvensis (L.) DC. (Brassicaceae). Nat. Prod. Commun. 10:457-459.

32.Hamano, M.*, Kato, K., Honda, K., Maeda, T. and Morishita, M. (2015) Promotion of flowering by photoperiod treatment in six strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivars with different everbearing patterns. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol. 90: 157-163.

33.立澤文見,山本啓未,津田旭,庄野浩資,加藤一幾*(2015)ニチニチソウ園芸品種の花色と花色素.園学研14: 221-230.

34.立澤文見*・鈴木夢子・佐藤美紀・加藤一幾(2016)インパチエンス園芸品種 の花色と花色素.園学研15: 115-122.

35.折笠 貴寛,* 遠藤 隆平加藤 一幾藤尾 拓也吉田 泰川村 浩美小出 章二(2017)マイクロ波を用いた新しいトマトピューレ濃縮法の検討.日本食品科学工学会誌64 巻 9 号 p. 471-475

36.Takanori Masukawa, Masayuki Kadowaki, Toshikazu Matsumoto, Akira Nakatsuka, Kyeong-Seong Cheon, Kazuhisa Kato, Fumi Tatsuzawa, Nobuo Kobayashi* (2018) Enhancement of Food Functionality of Local Pungent Radish “Izumo Orochi Daikon” cv. ‘Susanoo’ by Introduction of a Colored-Root Character The Horticulture Journal inpress

37.Takahiro Orikasa*, Shoji Koide, Hana Sugawara, Manami Yoshida, Kazuhisa Kato, Uzuki Matsushima, Masumi Okada,  Takashi Watanabe,  Yasumasa Ando, Takeo Shiina,  Akio Tagawa (2018) Applicability of vacuum‐microwave drying for tomato fruit based on evaluations of energy cost, color, functional components, and sensory qualities. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation  online

38.Misaki Onoue, Fumi Tatsuzawa, Yoshinori Kanayama & Kazuhisa Kato* (2018) Promotion of plant growth under low temperature by ozonated water at low concentration in komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. perviridis Group). Ozone: Science & Engineering online

​39.渋谷知暉・西山 学・高橋拓馬・大村聡美・金浜耕基・加藤一幾・金山喜則*(2019)電球型3色混合LEDランプによるシュッコンカスミソウの花成促進.園芸学研究   18(1) 53-58 

​40.立澤 文見*井手上 ひろ大谷 拓也加藤 久美子中條 しづ子加藤 一幾鴫原 淳(2019)スイートアリッサム園芸品種の花色と花色素.18 : 107-116

41.Kayoko Amagaya, Tomoki Shibuya, Manabu Nishiyama, Kazuhisa Kato*, Yoshinori Kanayama* (2020) Characterization and Expression Analysis of the Ca2+/Cation Antiporter Gene Family in Tomatoes. Plant 9: 25.

42.Megumi Hamano, Masanori Honjo, Shiori Sato, Atsushi Ito, So Machita​, Uzuki Matsushima, Masumi Okada, Kazuhisa Kato* (2020) Confirmation of Everbearing Mutants in the Everbearing Strawberry Cultivar ‘Natsuakari’ and the Effect of an Overwintering Condition on Inflorescence and Runner Development. The horticulture Journal, in press

43.岡田 益己*,松嶋 卯月,加藤 一幾(2020)三陸沿岸におけるミニカリフラワーの作型と収穫期の年々変動.生物と気象 印刷中

44.Hidenao Kagaya, Naoko Ito, Tomoki Shibuya, Sadao Komori, Kazuhisa Kato*, Yoshinori Kanayama*(2020)Characterization of FLOWERING LOCUS C Homologs in Apple as a Model for Fruit Trees.[International Journal of Molecular Sciences,21(12),(2020),4562

45.Tomoki Shibuya, Ryota Itai, Minori Maeda, Hiroyasu Kitashiba, Kanji Isuzugawa, Kazuhisa Kato, Yoshinori Kanayama*(2020)Characterization of PcLEA14, a Group 5 Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein Gene from Pear (Pyrus communis) Plants 9(9) 1138-1138.

46.Yui Tsunoda, Shohei Hano, Nozomi Imoto, Tomoki Shibuya, Hiroki Ikeda, Kayoko Amagaya, Kazuhisa Kato, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Hisashi Aso. Yoshinori Kanayama*. (2021)Physiological roles of tryptophan decarboxylase revealed by overexpression of SlTDC1 in tomato. Scientia Horticulturae 275

47.Tomoki Shibuya, Manabu Nishiyama, Kazuhisa Kato*, Yoshinori Kanayama*(2021)Characterization of the FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX 1 Homolog SlFKF1 in Tomato as a Model for Plants with Fleshy Fruit. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(4) 1735-1735 2021年2月9日
48.菅原愼太郎, 田村香織, 立澤文見, 金山喜則, 加藤一幾*(2021)果菜類の育苗において低濃度オゾン水が生育に及ぼす影響.医療・環境オゾン研究 28(1) 34-42 2021年2月
49.Chihiro Matsumoto, Haruna Yada, Chie Hayakawa, Koichi Hoshino, Hideaki Hirai, Kazuhisa Kato, Hiroki Ikeda*(2021)Physiological Characterization of Tomato Introgression Line IL5-4 That Increases Brix and Blossom-end Rot in Ripening Fruit. The Horticulture Journal 90(2) 215-222 2021年

​50.Fumi Tatsuzawa;Takayuki Mizuno;Ryo Kikuchi;Kazuhisa Kato;Toru Ota;Yoshinori Murai;Rinchen Yangzom;Tsukasa Iwashina(2021) Flavonoids in the flowers of Primula ×polyantha Mill. and Primula primulina (Spreng.) H. Hara (Primulaceae) Phytochemistry 189: 112827.

​51.Sasaki, K., Orikasa, T., Kato, K., Matsushima, U., & Koide, S. (2021). Effects of post-heat treatment on the flavor and nutritional components of tomato puree concentrated by a vacuum microwave. Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 68(3), 115-123.

52.Kyoko Hiwasa-Tanase, Kazuhisa Kato, Hiroshi Ezura (2022) Molecular breeding of miraculin-accumulating tomatoes with suitable traits for cultivation in plant factories with artificial lightings and the optimization of cultivation methods Plant Factory Basics, Applications and Advances 377-390

​53.Haruna Yada, Chihiro Matsumoto, Xiaonan Xie, Kazuhisa Kato, Hiroki Ikeda (2022) Physiological Investigation of Quantitative Traits for Fruit Mass Assessment Using a Tomato Introgression Line The Horticulture Journal 

54.Lingran Xiao, Tomoki Shibuya, Kazuhisa Kato, Manabu Nishiyama, Yoshinori Kanayama (2022) Effects of light quality on plant development and fruit metabolism and their regulation by plant growth regulators in tomato  Scientia Horticulturae 300 111076-111076

55.Hikaru Ito, Yoshinori Kanayama, Tomoki Shibuya, Seedahmed A. Mohammed, Manabu Nishiyama, Kazuhisa Kato (2022) Effect of short-term temperature stress on fruit set and the expression of an auxin reporter gene and auxin synthesis genes in tomato Scientia Horticulturae 300 111039-111039 

56.Lingran Xiao, Tomoki Shibuya, Toshihiro Watanabe, Kazuhisa Kato, Yoshinori Kanayama (2022) Effect of Light Quality on Metabolomic, Ionomic, and Transcriptomic Profiles in Tomato Fruit International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(21) 13288-13288

57.Nono SUGAWARA, Mei NUMAZAWA, Ryo ABE, Manabu NISHIYAMA, Kazuhisa KATO, Yoshinori KANAYAMA (2023) Effect of light quality of long-day treatments on flowering in Delphinium Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 79(3) 85-94


1.加藤一幾,植田稔宏,河野 隆,松本英一 (2008) 葉面散布によるキョウナ(ミズナ)の可食部硝酸イオン濃度の低減化.茨城農総セ園研研報.16: 13-18.

2.立澤文見,加藤一幾,新宮祥矢,庄野浩資,國分尚,三吉一光,安藤敏夫(2016)ペチュニア園芸品種の花色とアントシアニン. 食と緑の科学 70: 1-8.

​3.Fumi Tatsuzawa, Miki Sugawara, Shiduko Nakajo, Akihide Takehara, Toru Ota, Kazuhisa Kato(2016) Acylated cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucosides in the flowers of Erysimum cultivars (Brassicaceae). Artes Liberales, 99:135-144.


1.Moriguchi, R., Kato, K., Kanahama, K., Kanayama, Y. and Kikuchi, H. (2007) Analysis of telomere lengths in apple and cherry trees. Acta Hort. 738: 389-395.

2.Ohkawa, W., Kanayama, Y., Kato, K., Chiba, E., Kanahama, K. and Kohama, K. (2008) Characterization of the nutritional components of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) fruits. Acta Hort. 769: 169-175.

3.Orikasa, T., Koide, S., Sugawara, H., Watanabe, T., Okada, M., Matsushima, U., Kato, K., Thammawong M., Nakamura, N., Muramatsu, Y., Shiina, T. and Tagawa, A.(2016)Drying kinetics and quality of tomato fruits dehydrated by a vacuum-microwave method.Acta Hortc. 1120: 375-380.





1.Kanayama, Y., Yamada, K., Kato, K. and Moriguchi, R.(分担執筆)(2008) Biochemical and molecular aspects of sorbitol metabolism in Rosaceae fruit trees and other plants. Phytochemistry Research Progress (Ed.: T. Matsumoto) Nova Science Pub. Inc., New York, p. 75-86.

2.加藤一幾,金浜耕基(分担執筆)(2013)近代園芸学の導入と発展の歴史,「観賞園芸学」(金浜耕基編),文永堂,東京,p. 235-254.

3.加藤一幾(分担執筆)(2015)シイタケ廃菌床のスイートコーンへの直接施用,最新農業技術「土壌施肥 vol.7」,農文協,東京,p. 67-74.


1.Kanayama, Y., Kato, K. and Moriguchi, R. (2007) Genetic and molecular aspects of Gypsophila. Genes, Genomes and Genomics 1: 63-65.

2.加藤一幾,溝口 剛(2009)長日植物シロイヌナズナと中性植物トマトにおける花成制御と花形態形成に関わる遺伝子群.植物の生長調節44: 111-117.

3.Hiwasa-Tanase, K., Hirai, T., Kato, K., Duhita, N. and Ezura, H. (2012) From miracle fruit to transgenic tomato: mass production of the taste-modifying protein miraculin in transgenic plants. Plant Cell Rep. 31: 513-525.

4.Kanayama, Y., Kato, K., Stobdan, T., Galitsyn, G.G., Kochetov, A.V., Kanahama, K. (2012) Research progress on the medicinal and nutritional properties of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides). J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol. 87: 203-210.





1.Onoue, M. Sasaki, A., Tatsuzawa, F. and Kato, K. (2013) Plant growth and development of tomato by ozonated water of low concentration. International symposium on diversifying biological resources ~Toward food security and sustainable society~. Tsukuba, p. 32-33. Bronze Poster Award


3.加藤一幾、遠藤隆平、藤尾拓也、吉田泰、川村浩美、小出章二(2016)マイクロ波を用いた新しいトマトピューレ濃縮法の検討.第10回日本電磁波エネルギー応用学会シンポジウム ポスター賞​

4.尾上美咲, 立澤文見, 金山喜則, 加藤一幾(2019)特定非営利活動法人日本オゾン協会 論文賞  

5.堀千秋, 伊藤輝, 栗原大輔, 大村道明, 金山喜則, 加藤一幾(2019)園芸学会東北支部 園芸学会東北支部会 発表賞 トマトにおけるGCaMP6を用いたカルシウムイメージングの検討  

6.Saki Takeda, Manabu Nishiyama, Michiaki Omura, Yoshinori Kanayama, Kazuhisa Kato(2019)Japan Solanaceae Consortium Symposium JSOL 2019, Poster Award Mechanism of high L-ascorbic acid accumulation in an introgression line of tomato  



9.佐々木琴瑞・折笠貴寛・松嶋卯月・小出章二・加藤一幾(2021)後加熱処理が減圧マイクロ波濃縮トマトピューレの食味および成分に与える影響。逸見賞(公益社団法人 日本缶詰びん詰レトルト食品協会)

10.Haruna Yada,Chihiro Matsumoto,Xiaonan Xie,Kazuhisa Kato,Hiroki Ikeda(2023)Physiological Investigation of Quantitative Traits for Fruit Mass Assessment Using a Tomato Introgression Line.令和4年度年間優秀論文賞(一般社団法人 園芸学会)

11.◯魏 華蓮1・肖 凌冉1・西山 学1・渋谷知輝2・金山喜則1・加藤一幾1(1東北大院農学研究科,2山形大農学部)(2023)トマトの青色光受容体SlFKF1の発現抑制系統を用いた果実の着色に関する研究.園芸学会東北支部 園芸学会東北支部会 発表賞


1.加藤一幾(2002)窒素固定―混迷する硝酸阻害機構の研究.化学と生物 40: 673-674.

2.加藤一幾(2015)三陸沿岸の園芸振興と土壌改良 岩手大学三陸復興推進機構・園芸振興班における取り組み.土地改良新聞 11月25日

3.加藤一幾(2016)三陸沿岸の園芸振興と土壌改良 シイタケ廃菌床の施用による被災農地の土壌改良と園芸作物の生育促進効果.土地改良新聞 1月25日

4.加藤一幾(2016)廃菌床 シイタケ菌が生きたままの施用で肥料にも土壌改良にもなる.現代農業2016.10: 112-115.



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